Wednesday, July 18, 2018


STRESS is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. It is an omnipresent part of life.
Stress as a response is the way the body reacts to challenging situations. This involves the interactions between the hormones, glands and nervous system where the adrenal gland drives the production of cortisol or better known as “Stress hormone”.
STRESS is the feeling one gets from prolonged, pent-up emotions.

Emotions may be classified as:
1.       Positive
2.       Negative
Classification of Emotions
·         Positive emotions come from our experiences that are pleasant and desirable like joy, elation, ecstasy, delight. They are not difficult to show and are not usually suppressed.
·         Positive emotions do not usually cause stress.
·         Negative emotions are unpleasant and undesirable and they are often held inside. They are hidden. The   person suffers quietly and experiences stress.
Causes and Effects of Stress
·         Anxiety – apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill.
·         Pressure – the burden of physical or mental distress.
·         Misery – a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress.
·         Desperation – a state of hopelessness
·         Tension – inner striving, unrest or imbalance often with physiological indication of emotion.
·         Anger – a strong feeling of displeasure
·         Panic – a sudden overpowering fright
·         Dejection – lowness of spirit.
Results of Long-Term and Unmanaged Stress
·         Burnout
·         Breakdown
·         Depression
Hiding your stress will not work. The more you try to hold your emotions in, the greater the pressure build-up will be.
Everyday frustrations cause stress build-up.
From the time you wake up until you go to sleep, you may be confronted with a succession of stressful situations.
A series of stressful and frustrating experiences throughout the day can cause you to lie awake at night in an emotional turmoil – unable to get needed rest. You face the next day with less emotional and physical stamina. After another stressful day and another night without rest, you may have even less emotional strength and stability. Therefore, stress build-up, if not resolved, continues day after day.
More serious stressful circumstances may include separation from loved ones, personal illness, or illness of a loved one, death of someone you care about, or conflict with a spouse or close friend.
Other major causes of stress are problems with drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, care of children and elderly relatives, chronic mental illness, injury, physical handicaps, even moving to a new home.
A common cause of stress is dealing with life’s transitions.
Stress Signals
They act as red light or warning bell to tell us that action is needed to prevent more serious problems from developing.
·         Change in breathing rhythm
·         Tense and aching muscles
·         Headaches
·         Stomach problems
·         Heartburn
·         Lack of concentration
·         More frequent mistakes
·         Forgetfulness/ absent-mindedness
·         Nervousness
·         Depression/silence
·         Emotional outbursts/crying

·         Insomnia
·         Clumsiness
·         Increased drinking/smoking/eating
STRESS RESPONSE is the collection of physiological changes that occur when a person faces a perceived threat – when you face situations where you feel the demands outweigh your resources to successfully cope. These situations are known as STRESSORS.
When your stress response is triggered, a series of changes occur within your body. They include:
Redirection of blood away from extremities and instead to major organs
The release of cortisol and other hormones, which bring other short- and long-term changes.
The stress response is intended to give you a burst of energy so you’re able to fight off attackers or run away from them effectively.


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